2022 Vision Planning (and Journaling Prompts)
Happy New Year friends!
Today we will be reflecting on 2021 and setting our vision for 2022. While goal setting, dreaming & improving yourself are all great things, the pressure to completely rebrand yourself every new year can few like a lot of pressure (even for us brand designers 😜)
As we reflect on 2021 and set a vision for 2022, I want to be very clear on something that I think is very important:
If it took everything you had just to survive 2021, that is enough.
Collectively, we’ve been through a lot the past couple of years. I will be the first to admit that dreaming feels a lot harder than it use to. My hope is that this exercise does not shame you or make you feel inadequate by focusing on all of the ways to “be better” in the new year, but instead honors you where you are at, recognizes all that you have overcome the past year, and maybe even encourages you to start dreaming again.
So grab a pen and your favorite notebook and reflect on the questions that best serve you (and leave the ones that don’t!)
Reflecting on 2021
What is the biggest lesson you learned in 2021?
What is the best thing that happened to you in 2021?
What challenges did you have to overcome in 2021?
What did you learn about yourself in 2021?
What are you most proud of in 2021?
How did you fail in 2021?
What did you learn from your failures in 2021?
How did you celebrate your successes in 2021?
What energized you in 2021?
What drained you in 2021?
How was your mental health in 2021?
How were your relationships in 2021?
What areas were you too hard on yourself in in 2021?
What areas of your business grew in 2021?
What areas of your business remained stagnant in 2021?
What risks did you take in 2021? Did they pay off?
Did you live by your core values in 2021?
Vision for 2022
What habits do you want to bring with you into 2022?
What habits do you want to leave in 2021?
What habits do you want to start in 2022?
What are your personal dreams for 2022?
What are your business dreams for 2022?
What will you say no to in 2022?
What areas do you want to grow in 2022?
How do you want to feel at the end of each day?
How can you improve your relationships in 2022?
In what areas can you give yourself more grace in 2022?
What areas of your business do you want to grow in 2022?
What areas of your business do you want to put on “maintenance mode” for 2022?
What areas of your business do you want to eliminate in 2022?
How can you serve your clients better in 2022?
How can you give back in 2022?
What are your core values for 2022?
If you want to take it further
Create a Vision Board
Vision boards can be a great way to dream for the new year. As a creative, visionary & enneagram 7 mood boards are A LOT more fun to me than traditional goal setting and since many of your are creatives, maybe you feel the same.
So what is a vision board?
Vision boards are essentially like a biiiiiig ol’ mood board for your life. It serves as a visual reminder of your dreams and it’s proven that the more you visualize your dreams, the more likely they are to come true. You can choose to find and print out photos and create a real, tangible, vision board with posterboard OR you can create it digitally. I will be creating mine digitally and setting it as my computer background so that I will be seeing it every day.
My 2022 Vision Board
Some Pillars that you can think about when choosing your photos:
Personal /Business / Health / Finances / Relationships / Giving Back / Creatively / Spiritually
I hope this exercise was helpful to you. Feel free to share your journaling or vision board and tag us on IG @designedtothrivecollective and @studioantheia
The Designed to Thrive Collective is a community that is full of everything you need to confidently run a successful, life-giving and supported design business. In addition to the brand designer blueprint, you can expect instant access to ALL of our signature design templates, weekly calls, monthly guest expert trainings, AND a community of like-minded designers.