REWARE: a Collective Project
Fictitious (or personal) projects are a great way to create a portfolio of strong work. They also allow you to design in whatever style you choose, in order to attract your dream clients. The Collective is putting on a quarterly Fictitious project challenge for our members. This month’s fictitious project is REWARE: an ethical clothing company. If you would like to partake in the challenge, find the info below!
*If you are unsure about what fictitious projects are, watch the coffee chat titled “Fictitious Projects”
TAG us @designedtothrivecollective and #acollectiveproject so that we can share your work!
What is REWARE?
An ethical clothing brand focused on empowering and enlightening others on the issues of fast fashion.
We created three different briefs that you can choose from depending on the style project you would like for your portfolio. Access the different briefs below.
modern, simple, neutral
Wardrobe staples for the modern woman.
fun, colorful, quirky
Wardrobe staples for bold woman.
classic, elegant, high-end
Wardrobe staples for the classic woman.
important dates:
Brand Strategy Checkin: July 8th
Brand Presentation Checkin: AUGUST 5th
Why are there 3 different briefs?
We realized that not all of our collective members have the same style or the same ideal client. We wanted to be sure everyone had an option that excited them! While they are similar, each brief has a different feel.
Do I have to hit the deadlines?
No. The deadlines and reviews are in place for accountability. However, if you would rather do this self paced or are unsure on meeting deadlines, you are still welcome to join!
How do I choose which one to do?
Choose your project based on the style of clients you want to attract.
Will images be provided?
Nope! You can source your own images. We want you to be able to make your project unique from the other collective members. You have full creative control!