Member Directory

Below is a running list of our DTT collective members. We compiled this list as a way to further the community, connect & support each others work, as well as an easy way to refer within our community.

*We love you, support you and are SO grateful to have you in this community. Please know that you are always welcome here no matter your stage of business you are in, your ethnicity, your beliefs, your feelings of imposter syndrome, etc. We don’t care if your kids are on the coffee chat with you or if you feel like you don’t know enough yet. We are just freakin’ pumped to have you.



California & ecuador

Maya Normandi

mayavioletdesign.com | @maya.violet.design


chicago, il

Stephanie Bonica-Leahu

bonicadesign.com | @bonicadesignco


delaware & california

Denali Dietterick

denalidesignstudios.com | @denalidesignstudios


Turku, finland

Riika Tuohilampi

elokuucreative.com | @elokuucreative


dorothy huynh design

Dorothy McCarty

dorothyhuynh.com | @_dorothyhuynh


Boston, ma

Amanda Tripodi Sather

amandatsather.com | @amandatsather



Elise Tello

sunnysocial.co | @sunny.social


alberta, canada

Cali Ault

caliandco.design | @cali.and.co.creative


atlanta, ga

Lauren Testa

laurentesta.com | @laurentestadesign



Lisa Manson

krush.co | @krush.co


sarasota, fl

Katie Zupan

katiezupon.com | @katiezupon


chiang mai, thailand

Lexie Hadley

thaifolkstudio.com | @thaifolkstudio


seattle, wa

Becca Tapert

saltandlight.studio | @saltandlight.studio


brussels, belgium

Marie Le Hardy

festives.be | @festives_studio


frankfurt, germany

Sara Gisabella

saragisabella.com | @saragisabella


Wilmington, nc

Marisa Flacks

risecreativeco.com | @risecreativeco


Bristol, United Kingdom

Chloe Ford

chloeford.co.uk | @chloeford.co.uk


Minneapolis, mn

Erin Johnson

kindledandkindred.com | @kindledandkindred


Houston, tx

Alyssa Wible

alyssareneemade.com | @alyssareneemade


portland, or

Paige Buda

stateofsage.com | @stateofsage


Richmond, va

Jada Carpenter

jadacarpenterdesign.com | @jadacarps


manila, philippines

Kaye Dy

withfaithandlove.com | @withfaithandlovedesign


San francisco, ca

Mellani DeJesus

mithistudio.com | @mithistudio


austin, tx

Suzzanne Gamboa

siembrastudios.eco | @siembrastudios


London, england

Amy Brooks

emeralds-city.co.uk | @_emeraldscity



Paige Boersma

studiobicyclette.com | @studiobicyclette


toronto, canada

Sara Fackrell

smallsunsstudio.com | @smallsunsstudio



Jen Chuah

jenuinecreative.com | @jenuinecreative


south africa

Danielle Garber

bemoreyouonline.com | @daniellegarber.online


Manila, Philippines

Rache De Luna

squarestylist.com | @squarestylist


chicago, il

Danbee Kim

ooristudio.com | @oori_studio


Mallorca, spain

Kay Beaton

tranquilocreative.com | @kay_tranquilocreative


montreal, canada

Naomie Design

naomiedesign.com | @naomiedesign


Los angeles, ca

Zoe McCrum

zoemccrum.com | @madebyzoe_


louisville, ky

Jessica Suhr

perennialcreative.co | @perennialcreative


Purcellville, va

Courtney Null

courtneynullcreative.co | @courtneynullcreative


los angeles, ca

Jessica Kubicek

assimilationdesigns.com | @assimilationdesigns


austin, tx

Maddie Benson

onesmithstudio.com | @onesmithstudio


Los angeles, ca

Katie Bostedt

katiebostedt.com | @katiebostedt


atlanta, ga

Kiara Orange

graceandhoney.com | @graceandhoney


kingston, jamaica

Rachel Hallinan

motherlandsdesign.com | motherlands.design



Brittany Altman

brittanyaltman.com | @brittanyaltmandesings


dayton, oh

Lindsey Marie

forinfinitegood.com | @infinite.good


mexico city, mexico

Monica Lara

parhelia.com.mx | @parheliadesign


Queensland, australia

Suzanne Pilcher

suzanne-studios.com | @iamsuzanne__


lausanne, switzerland

Katia Cuervo




Emily Chen



Wild side studio

Mariya Illarionova

wildsidestudio.co | @wildside.studio


London, england

Hayley Warnes

studiobreaktheloop.co | @studiobreaktheloop


amsterdam, netherlands

Yaz T. Klooster

labelsstudio.com | @labelsstudio_



Maria Calcaneo

thestudiomaria.com | @thestudio.maria



Joyce Vacca

joyceofalltrades.com | @joat.studio



Avery Elias

averyeliasdesign.com | @averyeliasdesign


Don’t see your name?

If you need to be added to this list (or just need to update the current info) please Slack Lindsey (@Lindsey Johnson) and she will get you taken care of ASAP! 🎉