Studio Antheia Thrive Intent

written by Morgan, October 2019

It’s December 21st 2022 and we are celebrating a successful year at Studio Antheia HQ with a Christmas party. There are Christmas decorations strung from the beautiful high ceilings and a tree sits in the corner — the light from the huge front windows of the studio seems to be hitting it just perfectly.

After laughing together during the hilarious white elephant gifts, we spend some time sharing some of our biggest wins and lessons from the year. Some of the wins include: helping 20 branding clients go after their biggest purpose with incredible brand design. Another includes helping 500 designers set themselves up for success in their design business through our programs and resources.  But — The magic didn’t stop there — Someone mentioned that their biggest takeaway was that Studio Antheia was able to sponsor two brothers from Monterrey MX, as well as fund a women’s center in Burkina Faso. Another team member mentioned their favorite win from the year was opening up SA to the public to foster affirmation & passions in the youth of the community.

I sit there and listen to the team I have dreamt about for so long… I realize that SA is so much more than design — it’s inviting people into their calling, encouraging their passions and giving them the tools to impact & change the world.  I start to reminisce on what SA has done for me, and I blink back happy tears.

Tyler and I were able to purchase our home in cash, we were able to pay off my parents debt — a small price to pay for all of the sacrifices they have made for us over the years. I have a job that I am passionate about and I truly enjoy my time at work. Because of SA I am able to live a lifestyle that allows me to be present in my kids lives — I have the freedom and resources to be the kind of mom and wife I always dreamt to be.

As the party wraps up, we all exchange hugs before heading out the door as the SA team has two weeks off to celebrate the holidays with their families.  Everyone on team SA feels loved, seen and heard and we pass that along to everyone who comes in contact with my business.

I couldn’t be more thankful to this life, this team, this calling but somehow I know, the best is yet to come.